Use a Death Star Ice Mold to Make a DIY Star Wars Candle
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When I got a Death Star ice mold, I knew I could make a lot more than ice with it. Chocolate Death Stars, Death Star bath bombs, cast resin Death Star book ends. So many crafting possibilities flashed through my mind! I decided to try making Death Star candles first. I am sure to have more crafts in the future using these molds. So keep your eye out for more Star Wars fandom crafts coming!
Here’s the tutorial video
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How To Make A Death Star Ice Mold Candle
death star ice mold
microwaveable soy wax
candle wicks
silver powder pigment
disposable mixing cup
bamboo skewer
You can use regular candle wax or microwaveable wax. Regular wax must be melted in a double boiler on the stove. I found that the microwaveable wax was much faster and easier to work with. Measure out your wax and melt it in the microwave according to the instructions on the package. Microwave in 15-second bursts, stirring in between. Watch carefully to make sure the wax does not get too hot and start boiling over.
Next it’s time to prep your mold. The bottom part of the mold is really the top of the candle, because it has the super laser concave dish on it. Put your mold together and add a thick piece of wire or a bamboo skewer in the hole before you pour the wax. This will leave a place-holder channel for the wick at the end of the project.
Add color to the melted wax. Be careful, as this liquid is very hot. Use silver pigment powder (three tiny scoops) or a drop of black food color to turn the white wax gray.
Pour the wax carefully into the mold. Fill it all the way up to the top, and add your wire or a bamboo skewer. You will need to save some wax, or make more, for a second pour
Let the wax cool. The wax will contract as it cools, leaving a small air pocket at the top of the mold. Once your 1st pour has cooled nearly completely, top the candle off with the 2nd pour. If you don’t perform this step, the finished candle will likely have a void in the middle.
Once your second pour is completely cool, open the mold and remove your wire or skewer. Add the wick. Push it up through the bottom of the candle. Heat a small amount of wax at the top of the candle to secure the wick, and trim the wick.
Thanks for crafting with me. If you make a Death Star candle or any other Star Wars-inspired craft leave me a comment and let me know, or tag a photo on Twitter or Instagram #craftymcfangirl. I’d love to see what you do!
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March 30, 2017 @ 1:16 am
Hi. How long does the candle take to make? I have 1 mold and a party in 2 days time and want to know if it’s worth making some or not. Thanks
March 30, 2017 @ 6:49 am
Hi Dani, it only takes a few minutes for the candle wax to cool before you can de-mold it. I would wait 15 minutes each or put it in the refrigerator to speed up the process. You could make quite a few in a day!